Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Salad Days! #WhyAlphaChiWednesday

Celebrating the arrival of summer at our annual Salad Days event in May turned into a joyful ritual moment when we recognized our 25-year, 50-year, and 60-year members! Thanks to our president Amy for always being prepared to honor our sisters. Salad Days is usually our largest event of the year, and we are thankful for the attendance of the Real.Strong.Women who live their AXO values, Wisdom.Devotion.Achievement.

Amy, president, conducting the ceremony (L-R, Julie, Barbara, Lynda, Karen)

Britain pinning Annette with the 50-year pin

Britain pinning Maxine with the 60-year pin (to the right, Alyssa, Jocelyn, Amberly, Tara)

Britain pinning Motney with the 60-year member pin

Our 25-year, 50-year, and 60-year
L-R Julie (Beta Lambda), Lynda (Beta Gamma), Karen (Beta Eta), Maxine (Beta Eta), Annette (Beta Eta), Arlene (Gamma Chi), Barbara (Gamma Iota), Amy (Zeta Upsilon), and Motney (Beta Eta),  

And! Amy sent our photo to The Lyre!

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