Monday, August 13th 6:30pm - 8:30pm Alpha Chi Night at Painting with a Twist!
Sunday, August 19th time TBA Recruitment Preview at FSU Alpha Chi Omega
Friday, August 24th and Saturday, August 25th - Volunteers needed to help at Recruitment
Monday, October 1st 13th Annual Sheriff Larry Campbell Refuge House Golf Tournament benefiting Refuge House, our local domestic violence awareness agency.
Monday, October 15th 5:30pm Founders' Day Dinner at the FSU Alpha Chi Omega House
Friday, November 2 and Saturday, November 3 Jingle Jubilee presented by Junior League of Tallahassee
Sunday, December 9th 2:45pm Hall of Commitment for the FSU AXO December graduates
apx Saturday, February 9th 11am APT Scholarship Luncheon and Auction
Saturday, February 23rd Stubbs Educational Foundation presents the 2013 Variety Extravaganza Mardi Gras Ball
Friday, March 1st and Saturday, March 2nd Whale of a Sale presented by Junior League of Tallahassee
Questions? contact Amy (amzATcaseDOTedu) or jenn (jennysuebutlerATgmailDOTcom)