Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Domestic Violence Awareness Week at Alpha Chi Omega FSU

Epsilon Tau Epsilon helped Beta Eta recognize the start of their DVAM because we recognize October as domestic violence awareness month, but domestic violence happens every hour of every day.

The chapter hosted a pasta bar fundraiser (YUMMMMM! Thank you to House Director Lynn, Cook Miss Ura and all the Servers!) and lovely cupcakes from alumnae and Artistic Confections.
Who doesn't love purple cupcakes?

Super helpers and junior cuties:  Allison J and Elizabeth M

Friends and Alumnae:  Cindy, Paula, Yvonne, Danielle (BH, Refuge House Dev. Director), Meagan (KXi), Carol (AXiD), Karen (BH) and Lauren W (CHAIR of the event!)

Ivan, Gabrielle, Darleny, Victoria/Tori

The chapter collected cell phones for Verizon's Hopeline.

And they showed the video Telling Amy's Story (produced by Penn State Public Broadcasting and funded by Hopeline and Verizon Foundation) at one of the auditoriums on campus.

The website urges us:  By sharing the film and web site with others, you are taking a step towards raising awareness and preventing domestic violence. YOU can help stop domestic violence by watching and talking about Telling Amy's Story. Domestic violence thrives when people are afraid to SPEAK OUT about it!

1 comment:

  1. It was TRULY an educational evening and one filled with friendship and support; the documentary about Amy was hard to watch but it's necessary to be aware. (ps - Refuge House is a beneficiary of the Turkey Trot race on Thanksgiving Day - both from runners who give extra $$ and runners who contribute items like hotel-size soaps, shampoos, etc. -- any spreading of THAT word would be appreciated!!
