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Collegians (and alumnae), why should you contribute to the #Foundation? Giving means more scholarships and grants for collegiate and alumnae members. It means that more campuses across the country will get to hear Andrea Cooper (Tri Delta alumna) speak about the tragic yet inspirational story of her daughter Kristin (Alpha Chi Omega sister). Giving to the Foundation ensures the Alpha Chi Omega experience meets the needs of women both today and tomorrow. with “Kristin’s Story.” Giving means more financial support for the enhancement of existing Fraternity programming and the development of new, exciting initiatives such as MyJourney, the ASTP (Alcohol Skills Training Program), #InTune and #AXOGSI (global service initiative). Thanks University of Oregon, Alpha Kappa chapter for the enthusiasm about #MyJourney! We loved this blog post so much we wanted to share, and show other sisters the Alpha Chi Omega experience in action. MyJourney is an Alpha Chi Omega-only, four-year program designed to give Freshmen - Seniors real world, life skills training through fun, interesting and research-based, peer-led curriculum. All Vice Presidents of Membership Programming implement this exciting curriculum in their chapter. Our #alumnae volunteers, Advisors and Specialists convey facilitation and program training to ensure the leaders successful implementation for the sessions. BONUS: The facilitation workshop and skills look FABULOUS on a resume! Woot!
Alumnae panel for the senior #MyJourney
Sophomores - love this great #facilitation technique for #logistics