Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Congratulations Norma!

On June 11th, when we celebrated Peggy's 100th birthday, we had the privilege of presenting a 60-year member pin to Norma. Norma is a 1948 initiate of Gamma Epsilon chapter of Alpha Chi Omega at Oklahoma State University, and Peggy's neighbor at Westminster Oaks Retirement Community. Norma served many years as the Recruitment Advisor to OSU's Alpha Chi Omegas.

Our President performing the 60-year member ceremony.

After the ceremony: Norma is seated, holding the carnation and wearing both her 50-year and 60-year pins. Clockwise from her: Jennifer (Theta Lamdba, Clemson), Linda (Gamma Epsilon, OSU), Amy (Zeta Upsilon, Case Western Reserve), and Britain (Beta Eta, Florida State).

Congratulations, Norma, and thank you for your service to Alpha Chi Omega!